Redeemer Baptist Church is a body of believers striving to honor Christ above all else. We are a group of imperfect people following after a perfect Savior, and we invite others to join us in that pursuit as we are continually overwhelmed by the gospel of grace.

Redeemer originally started in January 2011 as Revision Church in Olive Branch, MS. Being a church plant, we currently embody a "portable church" model that meets in the best facilities that God gives us access to. In September 2015 we adopted the new name of Redeemer Baptist Church (read more about our name change here). In August 2023, we officially moved into a permanent home at 5050 Katherine Drive in Olive Branch. For more information about our Sunday Gatherings, click here!

Above all else, we value the gospel, the good news that Jesus died for our sins and rose again, and we believe that this message is life altering, overcoming our past, informing our present, and ensuring our future.

We love Olive Branch and desire the best for our city, and we believe that comes as a result of the influence of the gospel through the church intentionally involving itself in the affairs of the community with the intent of pointing people to Jesus and building a better city.

We believe that man’s chief end is to bring glory to God, and we pray that this is the motivation behind everything we do. As we gather on Sundays and scatter throughout the week, we seek to glorify God in both word and deed.